🔴 Law Library Temporarily Relocated To Skyway Until Jan. 16
UPDATE 01/08/2024: The Law Library has moved back to its regular space on C-24 with all services once again offered. Come up and admire our new windows!
Original announcement:
The good news: the Law Library is having its old, original-to-the-building windows replaced. The replacements will be much more energy efficient, and it will likely be months before they become filthy on the outside again.
The bad news: no one is allowed to be in the library while there are literal, giant holes in the building 24 floors above the street (the window replacement technicians must wear safety harnesses to protect them from being sucked out into the void. Really!).
So, from December 18 through January 15:
- Law Library staff will be working from a temporary space on the Skyway level. Walk-up reference services and Westlaw/Lexis PCs will be available. We will be open our regular hours. Email and phone services continue as usual.
- The Law Library space on the 24th floor will not be open to the public. Staff will have, at best, limited access to our full collection (because: giant holes), but we will have a core collection of our print materials and all our electronic resources.
- Call or email ahead of time before visiting to make sure we will have what you need.